
UK Cohousing Network Newsletter August 2023

Dear cohousing friends and colleagues,

This month we have plenty of exciting news to share including:

  1.  Bridport Cohousing CLT has officially launched after many years of hard work. It promises to be the most innovative scheme to date. We can all get involved. They are running straw bale building courses to help with their common house this autumn. We’re so proud! Read more below. 
  2. The UK’s first Cohousing Summit in 6 years is happening – September 28, Coin Street, London. Tickets will be limited. The theme is celebrating 20 years since the first cohousing project opened at Springhill and discussing how we make cohousing available for all who want it. 
  3. We’ve launched the National Register of Interest in Cohousing – over 200 people have signed up already to be front of the queue to hear about opportunities in new cohousing developments. First – up developer TOWN is inviting expressions of interest to join a number of cohousing schemes across the East and South East of England –
  4. Publications – UKCN is launching a review of Housing 21’s cohousing strategy in Birmingham in September and one on the role of coaching to build strong communities. Also watch out for publications from Yael Arbell, University of Sheffield and Diggers and Dreamers in the autumn. 
  5. Chapeltown Cohousing launches officially in September!

Best wishes,

Owen Jarvis
CEO, UK Cohousing Network CIC

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