We are currently not resourced to provide a telephone enquiry service, however we are currently looking at ways that this might be provided through our collaboration with other community led housing organisations.
Most of the information from the old website has been transferred to the new website. If it is general information about Cohousing it will be in the about or information section; if it is detailed information relevant to Cohousing groups it will be in the new membership area My UKCN. If you are looking for something that was previously available and you can’t find it in either of these areas, we have an archive that you can request from via office@cohousing.org.uk
Both our Executive Director and Directors/Trustees/Cohousing Ambassadors will consider requests to speak at appropriate events. Usually we require travel expenses to be paid to cover our costs, and occasionally a fee to cover our time. Email: office@cohousing.org.uk with details of your event and we will respond with our availability.
Email: office@cohousing.org.uk and we put appropriate information in our newsletter
Retrofit Cohousing is a type of Cohousing in which neighbours transform an existing neighbourhood over time rather than building it from new.
Senior Cohousing is a type of cohousing that is specifically designed by seniors (aged 50+) who prefer to live without the excitement of young families and consider designs that assist them living independently for as long as possible.
A planned residential community designed from the start to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork, with shared responsibilities and resources.