We have the green light! Milton Keynes Council has granted us planning permission!
Our 29 apartments will be part of the ‘Love Wolverton’ development which has recently been awarded UK’s best ’future place’ (Design Council 2021 award) with its own micro-grid and low energy/low carbon homes. We expect to have 25 apartments for market sale and four for social rent.
We are looking to create a socially diverse and self-reliant neighbourhood in a cohousing scheme for members aged 50 and upwards. Residents, both owner occupiers and tenants, will have their own separate dwellings and share common facilities including a common house where we can relax together and share some meals. We are planning to create a secure and supportive environment for the second half of life where we can be active and engaged with others when we want to and have peace and quiet in our own home when we don’t.
Now the hard work begins – so come and join us and help decide the details of the fixtures and fittings of our apartments and our shared indoor and outdoor spaces.
If you are over 50 and would like to join us – get in touch !
Our next Open Meeting for enquirers is at 11.30 on Saturday 18th September. This will be followed by a ‘bring your own lunch’ and we will provide tea/coffee/squash.
This will be at a venue in Milton Keynes. If you are interested in attending, please email us at stillgreenweb@gmail.com