Vacancies on the UKCN Board of Directors – Invitation for Nominees

We are looking for nominees to join our Board of Directors. These are interesting and important roles giving you (or people you think might be suitable) the opportunity to help us push forward the ambitious manifesto of the UK Cohousing Network and to bring skills and experience that can really improve the way we work.

Three Members of the current Board of Directors of UKCN are due to stand down in May at the end of their tenure, therefore there will be up to seven vacancies on the Board in May. (Two of the Members standing down have indicated that they will be standing for re-election).

The UKCN Company Articles require that the Board of the Directors is not less than four and no more than twelve and comprises:

  • Up to seven Directors by and from the Member Groups
  • Up to three Directors by and from Individual Members (Friends)
  • Up to two Directors Co-opted for their skills and experience

At all times the majority of the Board must be Directors elected by and from Member Groups

Our current directors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, ranging from people currently living in cohousing, members of developing cohousing groups, along with practitioners in community led-housing; all with a deep interest in cohousing with skills from industry, commerce, academia and beyond!

Following a previously agreed process nominees will be appointed to the vacancies unless there are more nominees than vacancies, in which case formal elections will be undertaken.

Potential candidates will need to submit a brief statement of why you would like to join the Board, what category of Director you wish to stand for and how your skills and experience can benefit the Network. The deadline for is nominations April 27th 2016. Please contact if you with to make a nomination or talk about this further.

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