The final seminar will take place on Tuesday 21st June, to be held at the London School of Economics (registration is now closed).
This will be followed by a parliamentary launch, hosted by Richard Bacon MP, the morning of Wednesday 22nd June at the House of Commons. All UKCN Cohousing Group members have been sent an invitation to attend.
The UKCN Policy asks (below for info) will be presented along with the key outcomes of all six seminars:
UKCN Statement of purpose and Policy Asks
UKCN Statement of Purpose
To be an advocate for cohousing; to express the views and meet the needs of our members by facilitating support to forming, new and existing cohousing groups, to assist the building of peer to peer relationships; to provide advice and raise awareness of cohousing with the public, government and professionals.
The vision of the UK Cohousing Network is ‘to support those that want to live in cohousing to do so, whatever their means and whatever the route of delivery’.
UKCN Policy asks
- Establish a feasibility & technical support fund for community-led housing groups available on a long-term and revolving basis.
- Establish a social investment revolving loan fund, backed by Government guarantees, to allow community-led housing groups to access lower cost development finance.
- Ensure the proposed Right to Build includes all forms of community-led housing groups.
- Extend Government capital funding programmes supporting low cost home ownership to be applicable to mutual low cost home ownership solutions.
- Enable community-led housing groups to have access to existing public sector building or land disposal opportunities (for example not requiring this to be exclusively through an expensive OJEU or HCA pre-qualification process).
- Require Community proofing on all policy & taxation proposals ensuring these do not disproportionately jeopardise community-led housing & mutual ownership projects e.g. SDLT, Council Tax (for common houses)& capital gains tax impacts.
- Recognise the wider community benefit and civic partnership enabled through community-led and mutually supportive living; embrace a culture change in national & local government policy of enabling people to do it themselves rather than being provided for & delivering services to (e.g NHS Five-Year Forward View)
- Consider a planning use class for community-led housing in recognition of its wider benefits to society and civic partnership approach to well-being; potential of both rural and urban ‘exception’ site approach for community led housing.
- Promote a legal definition of cohousing (not currently covered by current community led housing definitions) to enable lower cost development and capital finance to cover shared facilities such as a common house as well asresidential dwellings.