We seek to build
A 15-20 unit cohousing development in East / Northeast London, 1-3 bedrooms, with shared spaces to facilitate interaction: laundry, communal eating areas, garden, community engagement.
Our ‘golden’ priorities:
Bike-friendly / Sustainability / Beauty / No more than 1 hour from central London (bike-friendly) / 15/20 minute walk from rail or tube station / Affordability / Shared outdoor space / Private outdoor space
We are mixed tenure: primarily interested in intermediate ownership, and some intermediate rent (including tenures that make ownership more affordable including rent-to-own). We are open to including some social/affordable rented housing (in negotiation with a local authority), and market sale housing as needed to make the overall project viable.
We plan to have an allocations policy that rewards contribution and investment in the success of the project, as well as prioritising those most in need within the group.