A tribute to Shirley Meredeen, founder of New Ground from Maria Brenton
Sadly, on November 30 2022, Shirley Meredeen, the founder of New Ground, died. Shirley was 92. She is the first
Practical Guide to Cohousing and Basic Principles of Cohousing Design for 2022 now available
Practical Guide to Cohousing and Basic Principles of Cohousing Design for 2022 now available as PDF or hard copy. Online
Visit to cohousing in Scotland
I was delighted to see old friends at East Whins Cohousing, part of the Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland. There had been
Bridport Cohousing members are moving in!
This is the news that every developing cohousing project wants to share with all its supporters. WE HAVE STARTED TO
Co-Hut is recruiting new members in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
A brief introduction to CoHUT & our current position CoHUT came together in 2013, following a series of public community
Is co-housing a better way of living?
The community-led approach to home design incorporates shared spaces for residents to meet, eat and share collective decision-making. Co-housing is

How the rise of cohousing is enriching seniors’ lives
Cohousing could help older people retain independence and reduce loneliness in their senior years. Meet the women pioneering senior cohabitation
Angel Yard Cohousing update
Angel Yard is a co-housing development on a brownfield site within the city walls of Norwich in the East of England.
Invitation to join a Building Group
At TOWN we have assembled a Building Group of four households and are looking for others interested in working closely together,