Loneliness is killing us – we must start treating this disease
A report says loneliness is more deadly than obesity – the challenge now is to help lonely people connect.
A report says loneliness is more deadly than obesity – the challenge now is to help lonely people connect.
Scientists found that the loneliest were nearly twice as likely to die during their six-year study than the least lonely.
Cohousing and Homeshare can be ideal for older people who want a wider social life than care homes can provide.
Co-housing, which began in Denmark in the 1960s, is spreading as a lifestyle choice across Britain.
Sarah Morrison visits five of the country’s ‘alternative’ co-habitational projects to find out.
The Lancaster Cohousing development is testament to the passion, practicality and persistence of its members.
Putting the days of communes and hippies behind them, co-ops are becoming increasingly popular. Anita Pati finds out why cohousing is taking off.
Imagine a community where you like your neighbours. You share meals and your children grow up together. Joanna Moorhead on the growth in cohousing.
Experimenting with shared amenities can save space and money and help to develop strong, supportive and vibrant communities, says Toby Lloyd.
Share your car, share childcare costs, share energy bills, but still enjoy the privacy of your own home. Welcome to the new age of communal living. Miles Brignall reports.
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