New UK Cohousing web platform launch
Our new web platform has the same URL as our previous site https://cohousing.org.uk UK Cohousing is a new branding to
Write to your MP on the Community Housing Fund
Dear Members, As you know, just before Christmas the Government unveiled the £60 million annual Community Housing Fund. We’ve been

Get Involved With The European Cohousing Open Days – May 2017!
The UK Cohousing Network has again been invited to join in the European Cohousing Open Days in May 2017 with

Cannock Mill Cohousing – build go-ahead at last!
Cannock Mill Cohousing are delighted to announce they signed their building contract on Monday April 3rd with contractors Jerram Falkus

The Millers’ tale
Martina Lees meets the group behind one of Britain’s first cohousing projects: an eco-village in Essex, designed for their retirement. Tip? Start planning in your forties.

Want a happy old age? Get your friends to be your neighbours!
That’s just what empty nesters are now doing — swapping a lonely retirement for a life near companions who really do care.

Sixty, female and all living under one roof (just don’t call it a commune)
Meet the women challenging preconceptions of older women as passive and past it.

A sense of belonging: the case for more communal living in the UK
Cohousing offers people the chance to be part of a community – something many feel is lacking in wider society.

‘I find myself once again living a lie’ – older LGBT people need safe housing
Many gay and lesbian people have faced years of discrimination. They have a right to appropriate housing and support as they age.