Cohousing: ‘It makes sense for people with things in common to live together’
New housing scheme offering older people the chance to live independently but in a shared community will open to residents next year.
New housing scheme offering older people the chance to live independently but in a shared community will open to residents next year.
A tiny but growing movement is seeking to build and develop new urban neighbourhoods based on sustainable living and mutually supportive communities. Could this end the isolation associated with the modern era?
For the most social of creatures, the mammalian bee, there’s no such thing now as society.
London’s first co-housing project strikes an elegant balance between communal living and leafy seclusion.
Jon Sear from the winners of the Community Energy Project Award sponsored by National Grid on its community benefits.
With the help of a panel of experts we’ve chosen 10 candidates for the UK’s best eco home.
A report says loneliness is more deadly than obesity – the challenge now is to help lonely people connect.
Scientists found that the loneliest were nearly twice as likely to die during their six-year study than the least lonely.
Cohousing and Homeshare can be ideal for older people who want a wider social life than care homes can provide.
Co-housing, which began in Denmark in the 1960s, is spreading as a lifestyle choice across Britain.
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