Cannock Mill Cohousing – build go-ahead at last!
Cannock Mill Cohousing are delighted to announce they signed their building contract on Monday April 3rd with contractors Jerram Falkus
Cannock Mill Cohousing are delighted to announce they signed their building contract on Monday April 3rd with contractors Jerram Falkus
Martina Lees meets the group behind one of Britain’s first cohousing projects: an eco-village in Essex, designed for their retirement. Tip? Start planning in your forties.
That’s just what empty nesters are now doing — swapping a lonely retirement for a life near companions who really do care.
Meet the women challenging preconceptions of older women as passive and past it.
Cohousing offers people the chance to be part of a community – something many feel is lacking in wider society.
Many gay and lesbian people have faced years of discrimination. They have a right to appropriate housing and support as they age.
In some parts of the UK, 80% of over-55s say they feel isolated, but well-designed transport, public spaces and street furniture can make a difference.
Nearly 20 years ago, a group of women aged over 50 decided to take control of how and where they lived in their older years.
Many of us worry about getting older and how we will manage, perhaps on our own.
Six families took the plunge and built their houses together. The result is Copper Lane.
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