Register your group for land under the new ‘Right to Build’

New rules came into effect on 31 October 2016 which amended the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and implemented Chapter 2 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 which sets out provisions to support self-build and custom housebuilding.

This means that the second and final part of the Right to Build, placing a duty on relevant authorities to make land available to meet the demand on their self-build and custom housebuilding registers, has now come into force and the Right to Build is now fully implemented.

However, research has shown that very few groups have registered with them.  Submitting your group’s details on a local council Register could be helpful if you are trying to identify a suitable parcel of land to build upon.  The new self build legislation requires councils to facilitate the delivery of suitable plots to meet the demand on their Registers, and they have to do this within three years. Finding a site is one of the biggest hurdles facing most groups, so if you are looking for land you should make sure you register quickly.

All the Registers should have a separate section for groups, and almost all English councils have now set them up (Google the name of your council and ‘self build register’; or go to this website which has links to most of the registers).

It is also important for groups to register to demonstrate to Government that there is strong demand for community led housing projects. If DCLG sees only a handful of groups have registered it is unlikely to be so supportive of the sector going forward.

More details on the new legislation, how the Registers should operate, and the timeframes council have to deliver land to groups is available here.

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